Vegetables are a secret to help you lose weight because there are certain vegetables that burn fat more quickly as compared to other foods that you may consume. Starchy vegetables may slow down your weight loss progress but there are other vegetables that burn fat as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
Antioxidants help to decrease the oxidative stress in your body. There are other nutrients such as Catechines and Anthocyanins present in the vegetables that increase the body’s ability to burn fat.
Every vegetable contains a different type and amount of antioxidants. You need to fill your plate with colour so you don’t miss out any potent body fat and disease fighters.
-Summer squash
-Sweet potatoes
The vegetables mentioned above are rich in Beta Carotene which is a precursor for vitamin A that helps to neutralize the damage of free radicals in the body, fight off inflammation and body stress. These vegetables are also rich in Vitamin C which helps to prevent the storage of belly fat by decreasing the effect of stress hormones in the body.
Green vegetables are a fantastic add on to your plate as they are an excellent source of iron and especially folic acid which takes an important part in protein digestion and metabolism of the body. Folic acid helps to maintain the insulin level of the body and ensure that the protein is properly metabolised. Rapid fluctuations of the insulin level can trigger the storage of fats in the body.
Examples of green vegetables are:
-Brussels sprouts
-Green beans
Cruciferous vegetables are considered as the belly fat burning vegetables because they are rich in phytochemicals. A Phytochemical is a substance that has fat burning capabilities. Apart from all these helpful substances present in the vegetables it’s necessary that these vegetables should be consumed in the raw form. Raw vegetables are difficult for the body to digest so for this reason more amounts of calories are burnt in order to digest them. As a result it helps to cut down the excessive body fat at a much faster rate.